WBHS Prom 2017 FYI

WBHS Prom 2017 FYI
"A Night Among the Stars"
Prom 2017 is quickly approaching! Just a few reminders and notes for all who are planning to attend this year’s event. This year’s WBHS Prom will be held on Saturday, April 8th at the Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center. Students will be able to begin checking in at 7:30 pm with the catered dinner service beginning at 8:00 pm until 9:30 pm. Tables will not be reserved for couples or groups, so it is a first come, first serve on tables.
Here is a tentative schedule for the evening: 
7:30 pm Check in begins
8:00- 9:30 pm Dinner Service
9:00 pm Senior Walk begins
9:30 pm (more or less) Announcement of Prom Court
10:00- midnight DANCE the night away!
Prom ticket sales dates:
Seniors ONLY Special: March 20th- April 5th @ $45 per person
Juniors March 27th- April 5th @ $50 per person
Wondering what's for dinner? Check out the menu by clicking here.
**Please note that tickets will not be sold after April 5th for catering purposes, so plan accordingly.**
If you are interested in chaperoning the event, please contact Mrs. Damasco-Farrington @ (540) 890-3090 or cfarrington@rcs.k12.va.us!
The ticket price includes the catered dinner at the Hotel Roanoke and parking is available at the hotel for a fee or across the bridge at the parking garage! All students who will be bringing guests that do not currently attend WBHS will need to fill out an Out of School Date Form that can be found in the main office or outside of room 223 and returned to Mrs. Damasco-Farrington by April 5th in room 223 or the main office. Guests 21 years of age or older are NOT permitted at this event. 
Students must have all obligations (class dues, book fees, etc.) to the school satisfied as well as any detentions served before the day of the event. Please contact Mrs. Damasco-Farrington for more details or questions @ (540) 890-3090 or cfarrington@rcs.k12.va.us


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